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How We Are Governed

The Fire District is governed by a board of elected officials composed of three Fire Commissioners. The Board’s proceedings are governed by Chapter 52.14 of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW). The RCW establishes fire commissioner qualifications, sets their compensation rate, and establishes requirements for governing the Fire District. Fire commissioners serve as the citizen’s elected representatives charged with overseeing management of the Fire District. On a staggered basis, they are elected at-large to serve six-year terms.

Board Meetings: Regular board meetings are held twice a month at 4:00 PM. First meeting on the first or second Monday of each month. Second meeting is on the  third Thursday of each month. Meetings are held at Station 210, the District’s headquarters station (1304 Dale Ave.).

What is a fire commissioner? Commissioners are elected by the public to represent their fire district. The Board is responsible for setting budgets, establishing policy and providing administrative oversight. They serve six-year terms. Each commissioner is obligated to attend board meetings regularly.

Are there any additional duties of a Fire Commissioner? The District’s Commissioners are members of the Washington State Fire Commissioners Association and play an active role in that organization. Commissioners represent the Fire District at community events and also attend various events sponsored by the District.

Do fire commissioners get paid? Although they do not receive a salary, commissioners are minimally reimbursed by the Fire District for minor expenses. Per Washington State law, fire commissioners receive compensation of $128 per day, or a portion thereof, when attending Board meetings and for performing other services on behalf of the Fire District, not to exceed $12,288 annually.

Note: Compensation limits for fire district board members are set in statute. RCW 52.14.010 provides for the Office of Financial Management to adjust the dollar threshold for inflation every five years. The adjustment is to be based upon changes in the consumer price index for “wage earners and clerical workers, all items” compiled by the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, U. S. Department of Labor during that five year period. The new dollar threshold shall be transmitted to the Office of the Code Reviser for publication in the Washington State Register at least one month before the new threshold takes effect.


Salary Increases Effective July 1 for Many Special Purpose District Officials

What are the requirements to become a fire commissioner? A person may become a candidate by filing a declaration of candidacy with the county auditor during the filing period. In the event that there are more than two candidates for a position, a primary election is held on the first Tuesday of August. The two candidates receiving the greatest number of votes will appear on the election ballot in November. A person is legally qualified to become a fire commissioner who is a United States citizen, a qualified voter, and resident of the fire protection district.