Earthquake Prepardness - Earthquakes
Be Ready Earthquake Information Sheets
The Great ShakeOut
Find out here when the annual Great American ShakOut Drill begins and join millions of people across the world practicing earthquake safety. While we encourage you to participate with everyone, you can register your ShakeOut drill for any day of the year, and drill at a time of your choice. You can also include people in multiple locations through video conferencing.
When the Earth Shakes
Be Prepared for an Earthquake
Earthquakes are the sudden, rapid shaking of the earth, caused by the breaking and shifting of underground rock.
FEMA - Earthquakes
QuakeSmart for Business
FEMA and FLASH created the QuakeSmart Community Resilience Program to walk business owners through a step-by-step process to:
- Identify their risk by completing the “Back to Business” self-assessment;
- Develop a plan to reduce potential injury and property damage (mitigation); and
- Take action using the QuakeSmart Business Toolkit.
In addition, the program allows employers to apply for recognition as a member of the QuakeSmart Community. Benefits of participating in the program include:
- A QuakeSmart Resilient Community Member window cling to announce to customers and employees that you’ve taken steps to secure your business;
- A QuakeSmart Resilient Community Member web badge to display on your company website; and
- A sample news release to announce your participation in the QuakeSmart Community Resilience Program.
The Small Business Association estimates that 75 percent of organizations without a continuity plan will fail within three years of a disaster. Get prepared by joining the QuakeSmart Community Resilience Program today! Employers can also find valuable information in the America’s PrepareAthon! Prepare Your Organization for an Earthquake Playbook, which provides businesses with tools and resources to support preparedness discussions, tabletop exercises, and more.